
Zovik (Зовиќ) village in Mariovo

Zovik (Зовиќ, Бзовиќ) is located in the Municipality of Novaci, 50 km from Bitola in Mariovo region.
Near the village flows Gradeska River, on which lies one of the most beautiful bridges in Macedonia, the famous “Movie Bridge”.
The Zovik bridge was build in 1955 / 56 on the place of the old wooden bridge, which existed since ottoman time, but collapsed under the weight of ox cart.
A part of a scene in the movie “Dust” directed by the most famous Macedonian director - Milcho Manchevski, was recorded on this bridge and since it become a tourist attraction regularly visited by foreign and domestic tourists.
Under the bridge on a high rock St. George is painted, as one kind of relique of the church that existed there.

In village Zovik exist two churches. The Church St. Apostle Nikolaj Miracle Maker (St. Nikola, Sv. Nikola, Св. Никола), located in the center of the village. The church was built in 1862, and had suffered major damage during the First World War. It was restored in 1927 and it unique thing about it is, that the financiers (donors) who helped its building, are presented as saints at the entrances of the church, which presents a true rarity in these parts of Macedonia.
Near the village is the church of St.Atanasij (St. Great Martyr Atanasij the Great, Tanasovden, St. Atanasij, Св. Атанасиј, Sv. Atanasij) a small single-nave church built in the XVIIth century, since when the village Zovik exists at this location. 

Zovik village is one of the most visited locations in Mariovo, primarily due to the beautiful nature and the famous Movie Bridge. 
Recently in the village several houses were adapted in Mariovo authentic setting, ready for overnight visitors.

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